Prism Measurement: When Is It Needed? 

Your eyes must work together well to see clearly. If there is an abnormality in the alignment of your eyes, it can lead to various complaints, such as headaches, fatigue, double vision, and reduced depth perception. In this case, a prism measurement can be helpful. 

What is a prism measurement? 

A prism measurement is a measurement that the optometrist takes to look at the abnormality in the alignment of your eyes. This abnormality is also known as fixation disparity (FD). The optometrist uses a variety of devices to measure FD. Based on the results of the measurement, the optometrist can determine if a prism lens is needed. A prism lens is prescribed when: 

  • Other health problems that can affect eye health have been ruled out or diagnosed. 
  • Eye exercises/visual training are no longer applicable. 
prism eye test

Who is a prism measurement for? 

A prism measurement is for anyone who experiences complaints that can be caused by an abnormality in the alignment of the eyes. These complaints can be: 

  • Headaches 
  • Fatigue 
  • Pressure sensation around or behind the eyes 
  • Dancing letters when reading/watching TV 
  • Difficulty switching between far and near vision 
  • Sensitivity to light 
  • Burning or tearing eyes 
  • Red eyes 
  • Reduced depth perception 

Why a prism lens? 

A prism lens causes the images that your eyes receive to be shifted. This means that your brain does not have to work as hard to align the images. This can reduce or even eliminate the complaints that are caused by an abnormality in the alignment of the eyes. 


A prism measurement is a valuable tool for people who experience complaints that can be caused by an abnormality in the alignment of the eyes. If you think you may need a prism measurement, make an appointment with an optometrist to discuss your options. 

Make an appointment at Zeker Zicht 

If you think you need a prism measurement, you can make an appointment at Zeker Zicht. Our optometrists are specialized in measuring and correcting vision disorders. They can advise you if a prism measurement is necessary in your case, and if so, which type of prism lens is right for you. 

Make an appointment today 

Complaints that can be caused by an abnormality in the alignment of the eyes can significantly impact your daily life. Zeker Zicht can help you reduce or even eliminate these complaints. Make an appointment today for a prism measurement with one of our optometrists.