About us

At Zeker Zicht we have a team of optometrists and orthoptists. Together we ensure that you can quickly have an appointment at our practice in Amsterdam Nieuw-West for a complete eye examination. This way you can skip the long waiting times for an optometrist at the hospital. If necessary, we will urgently refer you to the right specialist.


We have all the equipment and knowledge needed to perform any eye exam. For example, dry eye examinations and contact lenses checks. Thanks to our high-quality eye imaging, we pinpoint your eye issues and discomforts very precisely.

Completely independent

We are completely independent and not affiliated and therefore we have no commercial interests in, for example, optician stores or clinics. As a result, you will always receive an honest and a comprehensive advice that really helps. Do you need treatment? Thanks to our many years of experience in various eye clinics and optician stores, we know exactly where to direct you for any further help.

Reimbursement of health insurance

As of January 1, 2024, your eye examination with a referral letter from your general practitioner will be fully covered by your health insurance, with no deductible.

These services are included in the basic package of all health insurers. This is a collaboration project between Huisarts+punt, S.A.G, Zeker Zicht, and all health insurers in Amsterdam.

Via ZorgDomein => Medical specialist care => Ophthalmology => Huisartspluspunt => Optometriespreekuur (Zeker Zicht, Osdorp), general practitioners can refer patients with low complex eye complaints to Zeker Zicht. Zeker Zicht will then perform a full eye examination and send an eye examination report via ZorgDomein to the general practitioner with an advice. In this way, 70% of these patients do not need to go to the ophthalmologist (or another specialist).

Referral guidelines 1st and 1.5 lines:

  • Complaints such as dry, itchy, irritated eyes or intermittent blurred vision with periods of good vision (complaints that are consistent with dry eyes and/or blepharitis).
  • A desire for a consultation with the ophthalmologist from the patient with good vision, for example in case of a family history of macular degeneration or fear of other eye diseases.
  • Gradual vision loss.
  • Screening for glaucoma with family history and with increased intraocular pressure measured by the optician < 30 mmHg*.
  • Complex refractive disorder or complex measurement from 8 years of age.
  • Fundus photo that cannot be assessed for diabetic retinopathy.
  • Screening for diabetic retinopathy.
  • Eyelid problems.