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Zeker Zicht

eye on the future

Eye Examination and Eye Care
Experienced Optometrists

Comprehensive Eye Examination

Comprehensive Eye Examination

Is there a hereditary eye condition in your family? Are you an at-risk eye patient? Or do you simply want to have your healthy eyes checked? Either way, a Preventive Eye Examination is essential for maintaining your vision in the long term.

Eye measurement

We will check your vision at both distance and near.

Eye scans

We will take digital images of your retina and macula to detect abnormalities.

Eye microscope

We will examine the front parts of your eyes for any health problems.
Comprehensive Eye Examination

Children's eye exam

Children's eye exam

Children need healthy eyes to learn and develop properly. We check your child's eye health and issue a prescription if necessary.

Eye exam with eye drops

We use eye drops in children from the age of 8 to accurately measure their eyesight.

Neurological tests

We assess the functioning of the eye muscles and optic nerves and check the cooperation of both eyes.

Eye health check

We check your child's overall eye health using an ophthalmoscope.
Children's eye exam

Comprehensive Vision Examination

Comprehensive Vision Examination

Do you have a new pair of glasses that doesn't feel right? Do you need an eye exam with eye drops to get an accurate measurement of your prescription? Do you wear prism glasses and need a new prescription? Do you have eye problems that your optometrist cannot resolve? With a Comprehensive Vision Exam, we go a step further to determine your exact prescription.

Eye exam with eye drops

We use eye drops to accurately determine your eye prescription.

Neurological tests

We assess the function of the eye muscles and optic nerves.

Binocular vision assessment

We assess the coordination of your two eyes and measure prisms if necessary.
Comprehensive Vision Examination

Eye Vision Exam
Second Opinion

Eye Vision Exam & Second Opinion

Do you need new glasses, or are you unsure if you need glasses? If you are looking for a second opinion without commercial interests, Zeker Zicht Optometrie Praktijk is the right place for you.

Vision Exam

Your eyes will be precisely measured with and without corrective lenses.

Eyeglass prescription check

We will check the strength of your glasses and compare it to your current eye exam results.

Glasses prescription

If necessary, you will receive an eyeglasses prescription and eyewear recommendations after your eye exam.
Eye Vision Exam & Second Opinion

Dry Eyes

Dry Eyes Examination

Are you experiencing eye discomfort but unsure if it's due to dry eyes? Do you seek expert advice for your eye problems? We offer a comprehensive eye exam tailored to your specific symptoms and provide personalized recommendations.

Tear film analysis

We will assess the quality and quantity of your tear film to determine the cause of your eye discomfort.

Eye health check-up

We will examine your eyes and eyelids for signs of dry eyes or other eye abnormalities that may also be contributing to your eye discomfort.

Personalized Treatment Plan

You will receive comprehensive advice tailored to your specific eye discomfort. Additionally, you may receive various eye care products to initiate your treatment.
Dry Eyes Examination

Contact Lens Check-up

Contact Lens Check-up

You've been buying lenses online for a while now. And that's perfectly fine! But your eyes are very important, so it's also important to have your eyes and lenses checked by an optometrist every 6 months. This will allow you to wear your lenses for longer without experiencing any eye discomfort.

Contact Lens Power Check

We will measure your eyes with your lenses in to potentially adjust the prescription.

Contact Lens Fitting Check

We will check how your lenses fit on your eyes to prevent any potential eye discomfort.

Eye Health Check-up

We will examine your cornea, eyelids, and tear film to prevent any potential eye discomfort.
Contact Lens Check-up

Why choose Zeker Zicht Optometry Practice?

At Zeker Zicht, your eyes and your eye health are our top priority. We offer you more than just a simple eye exam.

We are


Eye Exams


Happy Eyes


Happy GP's


Fewer referrals to the ophthalmologist

Looking for clear vision and optimal eye health?

Zeker Zicht is your independent optometry practice in Amsterdam, specializing in comprehensive eye examinations for the entire family. Whether you are experiencing blurry vision, eye fatigue, or simply need a routine check-up, our optometrist is here to provide you with the best care.

Comprehensive Eye Exam
Comprehensive Eye Exam
We go beyond a simple eye exam to detect potential problems early.
Personal attention
Personal attention
We take the time to understand your needs and create a personalized treatment plan.
Modern equipment
Modern equipment
We have the latest equipment to make an accurate diagnosis.
Child-friendly practice
Child-friendly practice
We make your eye exam a pleasant experience for the whole family.

Are you experiencing sudden and severe eye problems? CALL your doctor or emergency medical services immediately! You can also call us for advice.
Read more about alarm symptoms.


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    Did you know...?

    Children under the age of 8 go to the orthoptist.
    From the age of 8, they go to the optometrist.
    From the age of 12, they can go to the optician.

    Everything about eyes

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