• Make online an appointment Questions? Call us!
  • Type Examination Dry eye test
  • Goal Research into the causes of dry eye complaints
  • Eye Tests Tear film analysis, eye microscopy, eye measurement, lifestyle advice
  • Eye dilatation drops? No, but we use contrastcolor eye drops
  • Time 30 minutes
  • Fee €65

Suffering from burning, watery, or red eyes? Dry eyes can significantly impact your daily life and affect your vision. Fortunately, you no longer have to struggle with this. At Zeker Zicht Optometry Practice in Amsterdam, we offer specialized dry eye examinations to identify the cause of your symptoms and provide you with a tailored treatment plan.

vrouw met droge ogen klachten

Why a dry eye examination is important:

Dry eyes can have various causes, such as environmental factors, medication, hormonal changes, or conditions like blepharitis or Sjögren’s syndrome. By identifying the cause, we can offer targeted treatments that relieve your symptoms and optimize your eye health.

What to expect during a dry eye examination:

Our team of experienced optometrists conducts a comprehensive dry eye examination, which includes:

  • Tear Film Analysis: We measure the quality and quantity of your tear film using advanced equipment. This provides valuable information about the composition and stability of your tears, offering important clues about the cause of your dry eyes.
  • Eye Microscopy: We thoroughly examine your eyes and eyelids using a microscope. This helps us identify signs of irritation, inflammation, or other abnormalities that may contribute to your dry eyes.
  • Questionnaire: We ask you about your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle. This helps us get a complete picture of your complaints and evaluate the possible causes.

After the dry eye examination, we discuss the findings with you and answer all your questions. We provide personalized advice on the best treatment options for your dry eyes, which may include:

  • Artificial Tears: We can recommend various types of artificial tears to hydrate and soothe your eyes.
  • Warm Compresses: We may advise you to use warm compresses on your eyes to stimulate the tear glands and unblock the oil glands in your eyelids.
  • Medication: In some cases, medication may be necessary to reduce inflammation or stimulate tear production.
  • Lifestyle Adjustments: We can advise you to adjust your environment to prevent dry eyes, such as using a humidifier or avoiding prolonged exposure to screens.

Schedule an appointment for a Dry Eye Examination today:

Invest in your eye comfort and schedule a specialized dry eye examination at Zeker Zicht Optometry Practice in Amsterdam today. We offer flexible appointment times and competitive rates to provide you with the best care.