Zeker zicht optometrie praktijk
About Zeker Zicht Optometry and Eye Care in Amsterdam
At Zeker Zicht, we are certified optometrists with years of experience in eye care. Together, we ensure that you can quickly get an appointment at our practice in Amsterdam for a comprehensive eye examination. This means you won’t have to deal with long waiting times at the hospital.
We have all the equipment and expertise necessary to conduct various eye examinations, including glaucoma testing, eye measurements with drops for children, dry eye assessments, and contact lens checks.
- Appointment for all eye complaints within one week
- Eye examinations by experienced optometrists
- Direct referral to the ophthalmologist if necessary
What does Zeker Zicht do?
Zeker Zicht provides personalized eye care for everyone, from young to old. Whether you’re 8 or 99 years old, we offer tailored eye examinations and comprehensive information about any eye issue you may have.
At Zeker Zicht, the patient comes first. We take the time to listen to you, discuss your desires and needs, ensuring you receive personalized attention and the right eye care.
What does the optometrist do at Zeker Zicht?
- Examination of eye complaints
- Accurate eye measurements
- Contact lens check-up
- Referral to an ophthalmologist if necessary
Why choose Zeker Zicht?
- Quick appointment, within one week
- Personal attention
- Expert and friendly staff
- Continuous education for our optometrists
When should you consult an optometrist?
- When experiencing vision problems
- When at risk of eye conditions
- Blurred or double vision
- Tired, itchy, or irritated eyes
- Headaches
- Difficulty focusing
- Pain in or around the eyes
- When seeing Flashes of light
- When seeing floaters
- Light sensitivity
- Poor vision in the dark
- Wavy or distorted lines
Health insurance coverage
Starting January 1, 2024, your eye examination with a referral letter from your general practitioner will be fully covered, with no deductible.
These services are included in the basic package of all health insurers. This initiative is a collaboration between Huisarts+punt, S.A.G, Zeker Zicht, and all health insurers in Amsterdam.
Through ZorgDomein => Medical specialist care => Ophthalmology => Huisartspluspunt => Optometry consultation (Zeker Zicht, Osdorp), general practitioners can refer patients with mild complex eye complaints to Zeker Zicht. We conduct a comprehensive eye examination and subsequently the optometrist sends a report via ZorgDomein to the general practitioner with our recommendations. This approach reduces the need for 70% of these patients to visit an ophthalmologist or another specialist.
Referral guidelines for primary and secondary care:
- Symptoms such as dry, itchy, or irritated eyes, or intermittent blurry vision with periods of clear vision (symptoms consistent with dry eyes and/or blepharitis).
- Patient’s desire for consultation with an ophthalmologist, even with good vision, for example, due to family history of macular degeneration or fear of other eye diseases.
- Gradual vision loss.
- Screening for glaucoma with family history and elevated eye pressure measured by the optician < 30 mmHg*.
- Complex refractive error or challenging measurement from age 8.
- Fundus photograph evaluation inconclusive for Diabetic Retinopathy.
- Screening for Diabetic Retinopathy.
- Eyelid problems.
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