You have been experiencing flashes on the side of your eye for several months. Your vision is good, and you have no other complaints. What could this be, and should you have your eyes examined?

You have been experiencing flashes on the side of your eye for several months. Your vision is good, and you have no other complaints. What could this be, and should you have your eyes examined?
Glaucoma, often described as the ‘silent thief of vision,’ is a stealthy eye condition that gradually affects vision without clear symptoms in the early stages. This condition, which causes damage to the optic nerve, can lead to permanent vision loss if not diagnosed and treated in time. In this post, we will delve deeper into what glaucoma is, the risk factors, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Astigmatism, or cylindrical refractive error, is a common refractive error that affects how light enters the eye, resulting in blurred vision. Unlike a perfectly spherical cornea, an astigmatic cornea has an irregular shape, similar to a rugby ball. This irregularity causes light to focus at multiple points within the eye, leading to distorted and blurred vision at both near and far distances.
People with astigmatism often experience blurry vision, distorted images, and eye strain. Headaches and eye irritation are also common complaints. Individuals with astigmatism may find it difficult to see sharp outlines or small details. It’s important to note that astigmatism often occurs alongside nearsightedness (myopia) or farsightedness (hyperopia).
Fortunately, there are effective treatment options available to correct the visual effects of astigmatism. A common solution is wearing glasses or contact lenses with a cylindrical correction. These correct the irregular shape of the cornea, focusing light at a single point.
For those considering a more permanent solution, laser eye surgery, such as LASIK (Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis), may be an option. This surgical procedure reshapes the cornea to correct refractive errors, enabling clear vision without the need for external corrective aids.
At Zeker Zicht Optometry Practice, we understand the impact that astigmatism can have on your daily life. Our experienced optometrists are dedicated to providing personalized care to ensure you experience clear and sharp vision.
Would you like to have your astigmatism checked or are you looking for the most suitable treatment options?
Make an appointment today at Zeker Zicht Optometry Practice for a thorough eye exam. Discover how we can help you correct the shape irregularities in your eyes and enjoy improved vision. Your eyes deserve the best care, and we’re here to provide it. Call now to schedule an appointment and take the first step towards a clear, sharper world of visual comfort.
In today’s fast-paced digital world, our eyes are constantly exposed to the prolonged use of computers, smartphones, and other digital screens. This constant strain can lead to digital eye strain, a common condition that can significantly impact our overall well-being. In this post, we will delve deeper into recognizing digital eye strain and provide practical tips for relief.
If you experience regular digital eye strain and these tips do not provide relief, it is advisable to undergo a professional eye examination at Zeker Zicht Optometry Practice. Our experienced optometrists can determine the cause of your eye strain and provide a customized treatment plan. Don’t wait if digital eye strain is affecting your daily life. Make an appointment today at Zeker Zicht Optometry Practice and discover how we can help you enjoy clear, comfortable vision. Your eyes deserve the best care, and we’re here to provide it. Call now to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward relieving digital eye strain.
Dry eyes can result from a variety of factors. One of the most common causes is a decrease in tear production. This can be caused by aging, hormonal changes (such as those experienced by women during menopause), medication use, and environmental factors such as exposure to air conditioning or heating.
Additionally, certain medical conditions, such as autoimmune diseases (like Sjögren’s syndrome), diabetes, and rheumatoid arthritis, can cause dry eyes. Incomplete blinking, where the eyelids do not fully close, can also contribute to this problem.
The symptoms of dry eyes vary from mild to severe and can impact daily functioning. Common symptoms include a burning sensation, itching, redness, blurred vision, sensitivity to light, and a feeling of something being in the eye. Some people also experience excessive tearing in response to the irritation, a paradoxical reaction to the dryness.
Fortunately, there are several treatment options available to relieve and manage dry eyes. One of the simplest steps is the regular use of artificial tears. These drops contain moisturizing ingredients that mimic natural tears and lubricate the ocular surface.
For more severe cases of dry eyes, an optometrist may prescribe medicated eye drops that reduce inflammation and stimulate tear production. For individuals with dry eyes as a result of underlying health conditions, such as Sjögren’s syndrome, treatment may focus on managing the underlying condition. In some cases, using warm compresses on the eyelids can help unclog blocked glands around the eyes, which can contribute to dryness. Avoiding environmental factors that cause dry eyes, such as smoky rooms or windy conditions, can also be beneficial.
For people with persistent symptoms, consulting an optometrist is essential. A thorough eye examination can identify the specific cause of the dry eyes and develop a customized treatment plan.
In conclusion, dry eyes can cause discomfort and irritation, but there are several effective treatment options available. It is important to identify the cause of the dryness and seek appropriate treatment under the guidance of an optometrist.
Regular eye care and adopting healthy habits can also contribute to maintaining a healthy ocular surface and comfortable eyes.
Want to learn more about your eye health? Make an appointment today at Zeker Zicht Optometry Practice for a thorough eye exam and personalized advice. Your eyes deserve the best care!